The UST Graduate School Center for Conservation of Cultural Property and Environment in the Tropics (CCCPET), officially inaugurated in 4 September 2003 is the organizing body to hold the flagship of all cultural heritage research concerns in the university.


To value, promote, protect and preserve through its function of research and technology, education, training and service the cultural property and environment specifically in the tropics often at risk in the changing world.


  • To promote an atmosphere conducive to and provide opportunities forresearch led by the graduate program;
  • To conduct exchanges in research and collaboration in projects among the professions responsible for the care of the cultural heritage and related activities in the tropics;
  • To render services by providing consultation, survey and technical assistance to institutions, conservators and students;
  • To disseminate information and promote a deeper understanding of conservation and care of cultural property and environment in the tropics through the conferences, seminars, training and publication.


To be an active agent for the development, preservation, protection and promotion of the Filipino cultural heritage in partnership with institutions not only on the local and national level, such as:

  • National Government Departments
  • National Commission for Culture and the Arts
  • Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines
  • Local Government Units

And all those on the international level such as:

  • Forum UNESCO University and Heritage
  • UNESCO  ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management (Graduate School Cultural Heritage Studies Program is a member institution)
  • International Council on Museums
  • International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
  • University Museums and  Collections (UMAC)


Cultural Heritage: Tangible-Immovable
Historic places, monuments, structure or group buildings, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites
Cultural Heritage: Tangible-Movable
Artworks and artifacts
Scientific Specimens
Photographs, books, manuscripts, and recorded moving images and sound
Cultural Heritage: Intangible
All forms of traditional and folklore-oral traditions, customs, language, dance, music, etc.




Conservation and Restoration
Documentation and Cataloguing
Exhibition and Museum Design
Educational and Public Program
Cultural Heritage Mapping
Conservation Management Plan
Philippine Church History
Heritage and Development