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Following the UST Advisory last April 8, 2020, considerations will be implemented by the OGR with the approval of the Dean:
1. Research Proposal (TW1/DW1) may be submitted until May 30, 2020. IF ECQ will only be partially lifted on May and there will still be limitation of movement of people, a soft copy of your proposal may be sent thru ustgsogr@yahoo.com.ph. Printed copies may be submitted by June depending on the status of covid-19 crisis. Plagiarism check by Turitin for dissertation proposal will be done in the submission of manuscript for final defense. Proposal defense for doctoral students will start by June.
2. Research Colloquium (TW2/DW2) will be graded thru Voice Over Powerpoint (VOPPT). Those who were able to submit abstract for the Research Colloquia may send via email the VOPPT to their respective panel members (cc OGR) together with the Evaluation Form #8 (downloadable in the USTGS website). The VOPPT must not exceed 15 mins for Masters and 20 mins for Doctoral. Kindly inform your panel members to send the Form #8 at ustgsogr@yahoo.com.ph until May 5, 2020.
Note: For MFA studs, you may either take pictures of your exhibit or a video to be uploaded depending on the preference of panel members.
3. Research Publication (DW2/DW3 for old students) is still required for doctoral students. Submit a cover letter with information required and a pdf of your published paper/s thru OGR email address.
4. Research Defense (TW3/DW3 or DW4 for old studs) will begin by May (May 8 at the earliest) until June 13, 2020. As stated in #1 re partial lifting of ECQ, panel members and adviser will be invited with the use of appropriate teleconference application (e.g., skype, zoom, etc.) and will be monitored by the OGR. Send soft copy of your manuscript to your respective panel members, adviser and OGR prior to scheduling defense.
5. Final Hardbound manuscript may be submitted before the end of June.
The present covid-19 crisis is still fluid and so many uncertainties still await. Please bear with OGR as we venture for online submissions for the first time. OGR will extend all possible considerations as we are after your physical, emotional and psychological welfare.
Thank you and Stay safe everyone!
–OGR Director